FTSE 100
Dow Jones

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

2 problems solved for the price of 1: #94

So the bishops think that a cap on the level of welfare benefits may be very harmful to one or two families who may be forced to move house as a result.  Now I agree that is unfortunate, but people are forced to move house all the time when there circumstances are reduced.  The bihops say that a change in housing may have a long term impact on the development of children, as though most of us don't move house from time to time, including members of the ordained clergy who seem to manage a change of surroundings every several years.

However in the interests of everybody's welfare might I suggest that there is a solution, at no cost to the public purse that can be provided by the bishops themselves, for many of them are in possession of ample family friendly accommodation suitable for any displaced families. The bishops of Bath & Wells (above) and Winchester below have additional space for tented accommodation if necessary.

Surprisingly the Bearded Wonder of Lambeth Palace (below) has been strangely quiet when he would normally be speaking up against the government.  Can it be that he is actually toeing the line of the Labour Party once again?

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