FTSE 100
Dow Jones

Sunday, 6 November 2011

Something must be done!

So Mr Edward Miliband, the leader of one of the UK's foremost political parties has decided that there are issues raised by the protestors outside one of our largest cathedrals that have been ignored and need to be addressed.

His perception doesn't go so far as to enumerate the issues but according to him there is "a crisis of concern for millions of people about the biggest issue of our time: the gap between their values and the way our country is run".

Well, gosh, with insights like that he should make it into the Cabinet. No, hang on, until last year he was in the Cabinet as a member of the government of the last 13 years that was booted out.

If anybody is to blame for much of the way the country is run, he can't be far from the top of the list.

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