FTSE 100
Dow Jones

Monday, 23 March 2009

Tony McNulty's housing allowance explained

I know a lot of people get confused by parliament, finance and MP’s allowances, so please allow me to explain Tony McNulty’s position on allowances:

  • He used to lived in a house in North London and didn’t need a second home to work in his constituency.
  • When he got married he moved into his new wife’s apartment because it was more convenient for Westminster. This meant he could claim an additional cost allowance for his previously primary residence to cover the costs “in respect of additional expenses necessarily incurred by any such Member in staying overnight away from his only or main residence for the purpose of performing his parliamentary duties“, although in this case he doesn’t appear to have stayed their overnight, and it is questionable whether the expense was necessary because his constituency office is not far away.
  • McNulty says he did nothing wrong but he last claimed the allowance in January and now says he won’t do it since he’s been found out.
  • And because he says he did nothing wrong (even though he won’t do it any more because he’s been found out), he says he sees no reason to pay back the money he appropriated before he was found out.
  • McNulty also says the other lot are just as bad, in fact they are all at it, although he didn’t do anything wrong.
  • In fact he thinks parliament should change the rules and prohibit allowances for all MP’s living within 60 miles of Westminster, although he voted against that particular measure last year.

I hope that clears that up.

1 comment:

Demetrius said...

If several hundred MP's and Lords are adding properties to their portfolio's in London from their allowable expenses, their friends who are allowed to move their money to tax havens to avoid taxes are also investing in property, and footloose embezzlers of all sorts are invited to the party, it is no wonder that prices rocketed in London, with its effects on th total UK and related markets in France and Spain. Little wonder that the Government are trying to reinflate the property bubble by hurling money at the money merchants. One sector of the poorer classes that is being hit very hard is the old and disabled in sheltered housing who are seeing their service charges, and other property costs rocketing at levels way above pension etc. increases. This is getting very nasty, and the Government may soon find itself with yet another big nasty mess to clear up.